Hi, I'm Lea!

My biggest passion has always been baking. Since I was little I’ve always loved spending my time in the kitchen baking biscuits and other sweets for my family and friends. What makes it so special to me are the sparkles they got in their eyes when they took the first bite. In hopes of achieving the same joy for my customers, I decided to start my own company "Stories by Lea".

I’ve always felt that stories bring another dimension to food, especially desserts. For instance, a wedding cake, which tells the story of the love and devotion of the wedding couple. Or a batch of moon-shaped cupcakes, which celebrate a special birthday of a young boy, who's dream is to become an astronaut when he grows up. Such cakes and desserts create excitement and make any special event unforgettable. It is my vision to tell your stories through my desserts.

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NOVO: Tečaj v živo v Slovenj Gradcu! - Torta v cvetju + presenečenje
O meni
  • Lea Grom s.p.
  • Stara Vrhnika 133
  • 1360 Vrhnika
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